The confederation pyramids worked by channeling energies on two levels. For people, pyramids properly modulated light-energy into specific places appropriate for certain functions, such as initiation, crystal-based healing, learning, meditation, or experiencing the feeling of the One Infinite Source. For Earth, the balancing pyramids performed the additional function of aligning incoming cosmic energies with planetary distortions.
Geometry characterizes and modulates light
Think of light, in its most primal state, as the raw fabric of any potential physical universe. In other words, the very nature of pure light corresponds to the matrix of all possible material realities. Its core fundamental characteristic could be defined as total infinite undifferentiated materiality.
Any distinct universe, therefore, would correspond to a set of light patterns that are derived from this undifferentiated ‘primal light’. Let’s designate this unique set of differentiated patterns as the organizing ‘base light’ of such distinct universe.
Likewise, any further distinct physical pattern or manifestation within that unique universe would just be a further modulation of its base light. In the case of our universe, its base light corresponds to basic patterns of electromagnetic activity in our so-called vacuum – or simply how photons vibrate in the void.
These basic electromagnetic rhythms have certain geometric properties, among other attributes. So any material form is itself a geometric modulation/modulator of base light. Conical shapes, such as pyramids, modulate base light in peculiar ways given their particular geometric-spatial relation with it.
Funneling base light into upward spirals
A pyramid is essentially a geometric dipole or magnet. Its apex angle – encoding the difference between its width and height – represents the magnet’s potential. The properties of this magnet may be further amplified by alignment with other ambient magnetic fields, including those of the Earth, Sun and galaxy.
The resulting net local magnetic field (as composite of intersecting magnetic fields) creates a funnel that moves omnipresent base light – from its state of dynamic equilibrium into an upward spiraling motion – from the bottom-pole to the top-pole of the pyramid.
As this vortex increases momentum and coherence, its light’s configuration changes through distinct phases past specific threshold positions relative to the dipole’s centerline, depending on the magnet’s properties. In the Giza pyramid, base light transforms through 3 such phases as it spirals upward.
Giza pyramid’s 3-phase light spirals
Our base light can be characterized as an upward spiraling energy – an energy that spirals along a straight line vector towards dynamic purity. Thus, as the spiral grows energetically intelligent, base light converges upward into the more comprehensive and crystalline primal light, the physical analog of pure beingness or intelligent infinity.